
Algebra 2, please help asapA box contains 4 black shirts, 8 blue shirts, 4 black pants, and 10 blue pants. Determine the probability of randomly selecting a blue piece of clothing or a pair of pants. Use P(A or B) = P(A)+P(B)-P(A and B) to explain your answer

Accepted Solution

Answer: P(A or B) = 22/26 or 11/13Step-by-step explanation:All in all there are 26 pieces of clothing available. The probability of randomly selecting a blue piece is equal to 18/26. Also, the probability of picking up a pants is 14/26. There are 10 blue pants and the probability of picking up one of those is 10/26. The answer can be computed as follows:                P(A or B) = (18/26) + (14/26) - (10/26) = 22/26                             P(A or B) = 22/26 or 11/13