
HELP ASAPPPP!!!!!!!1. In the figure below, ABC ~ PQR. If the area of ABC is 40 cm2, what is the area of PQR? Show your work.

Accepted Solution

Answer:[tex]90cm^2[/tex]Step-by-step explanation:The side length AB of triangle ABC corresponds to side length of PQ of triangle PQR.The scale factor from ABC to PQR is [tex]k=\frac{6}{4}=1.5[/tex]The area of triangle PQR will change by [tex]k^2=1.5^2=2.25[/tex] centimeters square.Since we know the area of triangle ABC to be [tex]40cm^2[/tex], the area of triangle PQR [tex]=2.25\times 40=90cm^2[/tex]