
Type the correct answer in the box. Use numerals instead of words. If necessary, use / for the fraction bar.In parallelogram ABCD, m∠ABD = 83°, m∠BDA = 34°, and m∠BCD = °.

Accepted Solution

Answer:m∠BCD=63°Step-by-step explanation:we know thatIn a parallelogram the opposite angles are congruentsom∠BCD=m∠BADRemember that the sum of the internal angles of triangle must be equal to 180 degreesIn the triangle ABDsee the attached figure to better understand the problemm∠BAD+m∠ABD+m∠BDA=180°substitute the given valuesm∠BAD+83°+34°=180°m∠BAD+117°=180°m∠BAD=180°-117°m∠BAD=63°Remember thatm∠BCD=m∠BADthereforem∠BCD=63°