
Which expression is a difference of squares with a factor of 2x + 5?O4х2 + 1004x2 – 10O4х2 + 25O 4X2 - 25

Accepted Solution

[tex]4x^2-25[/tex] is a difference of squares with a factor of 2x + 5Step-by-step explanation:First of all, we have to check that which of the options is difference of squaresAs we have to take difference of squares, we will only consider options with minus.the options with minus are:4x^2 – 10This is not the difference of squares as 10 is not a perfect square4X^2 - 25[tex]4x^2 - 25 = (2x)^2-(5)^2[/tex]This option is the difference of squares as both the terms are a perfect square.Now we have to factorize the expression to check whether 2x+5 is a factor or not.so,[tex]4x^2 - 25\\\\= (2x)^2-(5)^2\\=(2x+5)(2x-5)[/tex]Hence, [tex]4x^2-25[/tex] is a difference of squares with a factor of 2x + 5Keywords: Expressions, FactorizationLearn more about expressions at:brainly.com/question/4361464brainly.com/question/4390083#LearnwithBrainly